Dr. Ting, Fridolin Sze
Former Senior Teaching Fellow
Department of Applied Mathematics
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
fridolin.ting@polyu.edu.hk (valid until June 30, 2022)
Research Interest
Technology Enhanced Active Learning in STEM education,
Instructional Design, Partial Differential equations,
Mathematical Physics
Applied Math

Quality Education Fund (QEF) from Education Bureau (EDB) – Principal Investigator of project entitled “Active Learning Pedagogies and Mobile Applications in Secondary School Math Education"

Principal Investigator of HKG University Grants Committee Tri-ennium Fund for T&L entitled ”Developing Active Learning Pedagogies and Mobile Applications in University STEM Education”, awarded HK$15,000,000= CAD$2.5 million) and has won 7 international educational awards. Project website: http://palms.polyu.edu.hk/

2016 - present
Principle Investigator of 6 PolyU Teaching Development Grants (with total funding approximately HK $2 million) for Flipped Classrooms; SPOC development; Gamification and Active Learning on Online Whiteboards; Virtual Tutorials; YoTeach!

GRF (General Research Fund), HK University Grants Committee (HK $488,501)”New solutions to some partial differential equations arising from Gauge theories in Physics” (Co-Investigator) – discontinued due to PI retirement

NSERC Research Grant RGPIN 298724-12 (CAD$12000/year)- declined

Visiting Professor travel stipend at Chinese University of HK (HK $23000/year)

NSERC Research Grant RGPIN 298724-04 (CAD$8000/year)

2020 Winner of "School Leader Setting a Trend"
EdTech Awards by EdTech Digest
2019 Silver Award in ”EdTech Leader (Tertiary)
EduTech Asia Awards
2014 Best Teacher Award
Department of Applied Mathematics, PolyU (best SFQ score)
Peer Reviewed Journal Publications in Education and Math
- Ting, F.S.T., Shroff, R.H., Lam, W.H. et al. (2022) “A Meta-analysis of Studies on the Effects of Active Learning on Asian Students’ Performance in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Subjects”. Asia-Pacific Edu Res https://doi.org/10.1007/s40299-022-00661-6
- Ezeamuzie, N., Leung, J., Ting, F.S.T. (2021) “Unleashing the Potential of Abstraction from Cloud of Computational Thinking: A Systematic Review of Literature”, Journal of Educational Computing Research. https://doi.org/10.1177/07356331211055379
- Chan, L.C., Shroff, R.H., Ting, F.S.T., Tsang, W.K., Garcia, R.C.C., (2021) “Assessing the Effects of a Collaborative Problem-based Learning and Peer Assessment Method on Junior Secondary Students’ Learning Approaches in Mathematics Using Interactive Online Whiteboards during the COVID-19 Pandemic”, accepted into the Int. Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation.
- Shroff, R. H., Ting, F. S. T., Lam, W. H., Cecot, T., Yang, J., & Chan, L. K. (2021). Conceptualization, development and validation of an instrument to measure learners’ perceptions of their active learning strategies within an active learning context. International Journal of Educational Methodology, 7(1), 201-223.
- Ting, F.S.T., Shroff, R.H., Lam, W.H., Chin, C.W., (2020) “Examining the Effect of Flipped Instruction on Students’ Learning Approaches Using Interactive Lecture Videos in a Mathematics Course in a STEM Learning Context“, Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, Vol. 31, No. 4, 41-68.
- Ng, O.L., Shi, L., Ting, F.S.T., (2020) Exploring differences in primary students’ geometry learning outcomes in two technology-enhanced environments: dynamic geometry and 3D printing. IJ STEM Ed 7, 50.
- Ting, F.S.T., Lam, W.H.C., Shroff, R. (2019) “Active Learning via Problem Based Collaborative Games in a Large First Year Mathematics course in Hong Kong", Education Sciences, 9(172), 1-22.
- Ng, O.L., Ting, F.S.T., Lam, W.H.C., Liu, M., (2019) “Active Learning in Undergraduate Mathematics Tutorials Via Cooperative Problem-Based Learning and Peer Assessment with Interactive Online Whiteboards. Asia-Pacific Edu Res 29, 285–294.
- Shroff, R., Ting, F.S.T, Lam, W.H.C. (2019). A conceptual framework for immersion and flow in digital game-based learning: an example of a game-based classroom response system. Ubiquitous Learning: An International Journal, 12(3), 41-60.
- Shroff, R., Ting, F.S.T., Lam, W.H.C. (2019) “Development and Validation of an Instrument to Measure Students Perceptions of Technology-Enabled Active Learning", Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 35(4), 109-127.
- Ting, F.S.T., Shroff, R. H., Lam, W. H., Wong, L. (2019). “YoTeach! A Backchannel Chat App with Machine Learning for Symbol and Math Handwriting Recognition for use in STEM and non-STEM Subjects". In Dan Remenyi (Eds.), e-Learning Excellence Awards: An Anthology of Case Histories 2019. Reading, UK: Academic C
- Chong, Katie, Wong, K.L., Leung, C.W., Ting, F.S.T. (2019) “Flipped-Classroom with Interactive Videos in First Year Undergraduate Physics Course in Hong Kong", Proc. SPIE 11143, Fifteenth Conference on Education and Training in Optics and Photonics: ETOP 2019, 1114335.
- Ting, F.S.T., Wei, J. (2013) “Multi-vortex non-radial solutions to the magnetic Ginzburg-Landau equations", Comm. Math. Phys., 317, 1, p. 69-97.
- Pakylak, A., Ting, F.S.T., Wei, J. (2012) “Multi-vortex solutions to Ginzburg-Landau Equations with external potential", Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal., 204, 1, p. 313-354.
- Jonsson, B.L.G., Ovchinnikov, Y., Sigal, I.M., Ting, F.S.T. (2011) “Dynamics of Breakup of Multiple Vortices in Gross-Pitaevskii Equations of Superfluids", J. Math. Phys., 52, 093505.
- Ting, F.S.T., (2010) “Effective dynamics of multi-vortices in an external potential for Ginzburg-Landau Gradient flow", Nonlinearity, 23, 1, p. 179-210.
- Gustafson, S., Ting, F.S.T. (2009) “Dynamic stability and instability of pinned fundamental vortices", J. Nonlinear Sci., 19, 4, p. 341-374.
- Sigal, I.M., Ting, F.S.T. (2005) “Pinning of Magnetic Vortices by an external potential", Algebra i Analyz, 16 (2004), 1, p. 239-268 (also reprinted in St. Petersburg Math. J., 16, 211-236).
Education and Mathematics Manuscripts (Submitted) 1
- Shroff, R.H., Ting, F.S.T., Lam, W.H., “Examining Students’ Perceived Satisfaction on Their Behavioral Intention to Use, specifically in the Context of a Mobile Learning Backchannel Chat Application“, submitted to the journal of Journal of Educational Computing Research in December 2021.
- Ting, F.S.T., Shroff, R.H., Lam, W.H.C., Garcia, R.C.C. “Conceptualization, Measurement and Preliminary Validation of Students’ Collaborative Problem-based Learning and Peer Assessment Strategies Using Interactive Whiteboards”, submitted to the Australasian Journal of Educational Technology in May 2021 (under 3rd review).
- Ezeamuzie, N., Leung, J., Garcia, R.C.C., Ting, F.S.T, “Discovering Computational Thinking in Everyday Problem Solving: A Multiple Case Study of Route Planning”, submitted to the Journal of Educational Computing Research in September 2021
- Shroff, R.H., Ting, F.S.T., “Conceptualization, Instrument Development and Preliminary Validation of Learner’s Extrinsic Reward and Intrinsic Game-Play Strategies in a Digital Game-based Learning Context” (36 pages).
- Chan, C.L.C., Ting, F.S.T., Shroff, R.H., “"On the Validity and Reliability of the Chinese Translation of a Student Perceived Technology Enhanced Active Learning Instrument" (20 pages).
- Shroff, R.H., Ting, F.S.T., Chan, C.L.C., Tsang, W.K., “The development and validation of an instrument to measure teachers’ perceptions of their students’ technology- enabled active learning strategies” (15 pages)
- Ting, F.S.T, Garcia, R.C.C, Chan, C.L.C, Shroff, R.H., Tsang, W.K., “A meta-analysis on the benefits of drawing and writing on students’ performance in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects" (13 pages)
- Ting, F.S.T, Chan, C.L.C., Shroff, R.H., Tsang, W.K., “Collaborative Problem-Based Learning and Peer Assessment Pedagogy supported by Interactive Online Whiteboards: A Robust Active Learning Pedagogy” (10 pages)
- Ting, F.S.T, Chan, C.L.C, Shroff, R.H., Tsang, W.K., “Comparing Two Active Learning Pedagogies: Flipped-Classroom versus Collaborative Problem-Based Learning and Peer Assessment” (8 pages)
- Ao, W., Ting, F.S.T., Wei, J., “Multi-vortex non-radial solutions to the magnetic Chern-Simon-Higgs equations" (66 pages)
- Ao, W., Ting, F.S.T., Wei, J., “Arbitrary polygonal solutions to the magnetic Ginzburg-Landau(GL) and Chern-Simon-Higgs equations " (35 pages)
- Jonsson, B.L.G., Merkli, M., Sigal, I.M., and Ting, F.S.T., “Applied Analysis", Book, Chapters 1-3, (316 pages)
1 Manuscripts can be produced if requested
Conferences Organized
- QEF Symposium on “Challenges, Opportunities and Lessons Learned in Implementing Active Learning Pedagogies during the COVID-19 Pandemic” (July 2021)
- HKTEA CoP Kick-off Symposium on “Online Teaching by STEM Teachers: Opportunities and Challenges” (June 2021)
- Symposium on Navigating the Rapidly Evolving Higher Education Landscape with Technology Enhanced Active Learning Pedagogies (January 2021)
- Symposium on Emerging Innovations and Evaluation of Technology Enhanced Active Learning (TEAL) in Tertiary Education, PolyU Campus, Hong Kong (July 2019)
- Mini Symposium on Technology Enhanced Active Learning (TEAL) in Tertiary STEM Education, PolyU Campus, Hong Kong. (June 2018)
- American Mathematical Society (AMS) special session on “Special Session on Effective Dynamics and Interactions of Localized Structures in Schrodinger Type Equations" in Worcester, MA. (April 2009)
Invited Conference/Seminar/Workshop Presentations
Jan. ‘22 “Innovative PALMS drawing pedagogies and apps to increase active learning in Mathematics and Science”, Excellent Teachers on Teaching Excellence Symposium, 2022
Dec. ‘21 “The benefits of drawing and writing on students' performance in STEM related subjects”, ICLT, Dec. 8-10, EduHK (Paper ID 168)
Dec. ‘21 “Developing Active Learning Pedagogies and Mobile Apps in High school Mathematics Education”, shortlisted project in the “K12” Category at the Reimagine Education Conference
Nov. ‘21 “Measuring intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in a digital game-based learning context”, eLFA 2021, 30 Nov-1 Dec 2021
Jul. ‘21 “Collaborative Problem-Based Learning and Peer Assessment (Co-PBLa-PA) – a Robust Novel Active Pedagogy for F2F, Hybrid and Online Modes”, CUHK Learning and Teaching Expo, July 29, 2021
Apr. ’21 “Use of Learning Analytics to give Evidence of Positive Effects of Active learning on student learning outcomes”, CoP on Learning Analytics, EDC PolyU
Mar. ’21 “Cross-Faculty Webinar on Teaching Excellence”, Virtual PolyU CBS Series on Excellence of L&T
Jan. ’21 “Increasing Active Learning in English@Work MOOC via Online Peer Engagement”, HKCPD Hub
Dec. ’20 “Flipped Learning in Age of COVID-19”, Virtual Panel Discussion, CUHK
Dec. ’20 “PALMS Project for STEM Tertiary Education”, Virtual Reimagine Education Conference, USA
Dec. ’20 “Technology-Enhanced Active Learning: Applying a Novel Pedagogical Approach to STEM”, ICLT Conference, EduHK
Oct. ’20 “New Paradigms in Learning”, World Education Congress Presents Global EduTech Webinar
Sept. ’20 “YoTeach! Give students voices in f2f and online teaching – in and out of class!”, Lingnan University Learning and Teaching Center Workshop
Sept ’20 “New EdTechs: Reshaping Interactive Teaching”, Institute for Entrepreneurship, PolyU
Sept ’20 “Exploring some e-tools for making online learning fun and engaging”, Online Norwegian International school, Hong Kong, Professional Development workshop for Teachers
Aug ’20 “Apps for Increasing Interactive Online Learning”, EDC Online Workshop, PolyU
June ’20 “Instructional Design in a Virtual Classroom”, K-12 Conference, EduTech Asia Virtual Conference
Nov 19 "YoTeach! Empower Students with Active Voices!" 18th European Conf. on e-Learning Copenhagen Nov ’19 Moderator for Roundtable Discussion on ”Technology Enhanced Active Learning STEM Education”, EduTech Asia Conference, Singapore
Aug 19 "Engaging Students with Technology" Workshop at the Taylor Institute for T& L, U of Calgary
June 19 "Reimagine Education Award: The Inside View on Applying and Winning!", EDC Workshop, PolyU
June 19 "Integrating Pedagogy with Technology: Apps to Enhance Active Learning!", EDC Workshop, PolyU
May 20 "Scaling your Teaching: Lessons Learned in QS Reimagine Education Awards 2019", HKU Webinar. Apr. ’20 " What Matters in EdTech Asia", The EdTech Podcast
May 19 "Increasing Active Learning in MOOCs via Peer Online Engagement", eLearning Forum Asia (eLFA) conference in Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
May 19 "Gamified Collaborative Problem Based Learning and Peer Assessment", 45 minute interactive workshop at the Lilly Conference at Baptist University, Hong Kong
Mar 20 "Apps for Interactive Online Learning", EDC Online Webinar, PolyU.
Dec 19 YoTeach! and the PALMS Project; Reimagine Education Conference and Awards, London.
Dec 18 ”Increasing Active Learning Strategies in STEM Education by Adding Drawing Functionality to their Supporting Apps”, Learning and Teaching Expo, Hong Kong Convention Centre.
Nov 18 "PALMS Pedagogic and Active Learning Mobile Solutions", Quacquarelli Symonds Reimagine Education Conference, San Francisco, USA (Shortlisted for ”E-Learning Award”)
Nov 18 ”Using WeBWork for Active Learning in Mathematics”, WebWork at U-STEMWorkshop, CLEAR, Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Aug 18 "Engaging Students with Clickers using different active learning strategies", EDC PolyU,
May 18 "Active Learning Pedagogies and Mobile Applications in University STEM Education",Learning and Teaching Festival @EdUHK, May 25, 2018 (invited)
May 18 "Active Learning in an undergraduate Calculus class using interactive online whiteboards", EARCOME8 (East Asia Regional Conferences on Mathematics Education) in Taiwan (May 7-11)
Jan 17 "How to make Active Learning Happen",Workshop in EDC HK PolyU
Aug 16 "Clickers and Games in Large Mathematics Classes", Workshop on ”Engaging students with Clickers - Hands-on workshop with common tools @PolyU” , EDC HK PolyU
May 16 "Magnetic Ginzburg-Landau equations with applied currents and impurities", International Conference on Applied Mathematics, City University of Hong Kong
May 16 "Game type student response questions in Large Mathematics Classes", Workshop on ”Mobile Era Classroom Interactions (Student Response System)”, CLEAR (Center for Learning Enhancement and Research”, CUHK
Mar 16 "Expand your assessment toolkit”Workshop in EDC, HK PolyU, ”Using an online marking platform Crowdmark for fast and efficient marking"
Sept 15 Blended Learning Symposium in Hong Kong Polytechnic University, "Using online resources to promote interaction in large Math courses"
June 15 Applied Analysis and Dynamical Systemsat AMMCS-CAIMS Congress in Waterloo, ON, Canada. ”Non-radial multi-vortex solutions to the magneticChern-Simon-Higgs equations
June 13 Nonlinear PartialDifferential Equations and their Applications at CMS Summer Meeting in Dalhousie University (declined invitation)
Feb 11 Recent Advances in Nonlinear PDEs: Part I at Chinese University of Hong Kong, "Finite-energy degree-changing non-radial magneticvortex solutions to the Ginzburg-Landau equations"
June 10 CMS Meeting: Stability in Nonlinear PDEs at University of New Brunswick, NB, Canada.
’04-’08 11 other math conference in New Mexico,Boston, Toronto,Banff, Purdue, Waterloo, Newfoundland