u-STEM (from CUHK) 

The u-STEM website aims at providing technical resources to help the teaching of STEM subjects in universities, and it is established with the support of UGC funded teaching and learning project Developing Active Learning Pedagogies and Mobile Applications in University STEM Education. The first tool that is available (launched November 2018) is WeBWork at U-STEM" platform, it allows teachers to deliver interactive online exercises for STEM subjects. This service is provided to all UGC-funded universities free.

WeBWork at u-STEM

WeBWork is an open-source online homework platform for math and science courses. It allows teachers to select problems from the problem Library for students to complete their assignments over the web, and students can receive immediate feedback on the correctness of their answers. A version of it is now launched at U-STEM and is free for teachers of UGC-funded universities in Hong Kong. A user-friendly Code Generating platform is also developed at U-STEM, teachers without programming background can use it to create question for WeBWork.

Chemistry Q&A

A free platform allows teachers to create online question for students to input/build the SMILES. It is just a few steps to start with: