Our PALMS Project Aims to Increase students’ overall learning outcomes through active learning, e.g. conceptual understanding, motivation, collaboration, academic performance, lifelong learning

Here is some Evidence of PALMS Effectiveness of Active Learning on STEM Education:

Here is some Evidence of PALMS Effectiveness of Active Learning on STEM Education:

(1) Collaborative Problem Based Learning and Peer Assessment (Co-PBLa-PA) with Interactive Online Whiteboards (IOWBs)

In a 1st year University Calculus course

  1. 735 students were taught traditionally (“Traditional Group”)
  2. 95 were taught using Co-PBLa-PA With IOWBs (Active Group)

There was a statistically significant (p=0.057) improvement in assignment scores in the Active Group  (90.4%) compared to “Traditional Group” (86.2%)

Pre and Post Calculus Concept Understanding Tests were given to both groups. The normalized gain in improvement in Calculus concept understanding for the Active Group (18.35) was twice that of the Traditional Group (9.95) – meaning that the Active Group grasps the concepts of Calculus much stronger due to active learning

(2) Collaborative Problem Based Learning with a Game Based Student Response System

Ting, F., Lam, W. H., & Shroff, R. (2019). Active learning via problem-based collaborative games in a large Mathematics  university course in Hong Kong. Education Sciences, 9(172), 1-22

  1. In a 1st year University Calculus course comprised of 1017 students

There was a statistically significant positive correlation between students’ perception of time spent and level of active learning in their classes with their (i) midterm test scores and (ii) Calculus concept understanding.

Also, please look through our student testimonials page: http://palms.polyu.edu.hk/studenttestimonials/