The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Publications

Chan, L.C., Shroff, R.H., Ting, F.S.T., Tsang, W.K., Garcia, R.C.C., (in press) “Assessing the Effects of a Collaborative Problem-based Learning and Peer Assessment Method on Junior Secondary Students’ Learning Approaches in Mathematics Using Interactive Online Whiteboards during the COVID-19 Pandemic”, accepted into the Int. Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation.

Ting, F.S.T., Shroff, R.H., Lam, W.H.C, Garcia, R.C.C., Chan, C.L., Tsang, W.K., Ezeamuzie, N.O. (2022) “A meta-analysis of studies on the effects of active learning on Asian students’ performance in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects“. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher

Shroff, R. H., Ting, F. S. T., Lam, W. H., Cecot, T., Yang, J., & Chan, L. K. (2021). Conceptualization, development and validation of an instrument to measure learners’ perceptions of their active learning strategies within an active learning context. International Journal of Educational Methodology, 7(1), 201-223.

Ting, F.S.T., Shroff, R.H., Lam, W.H., Chin, C.W., (2020) “Examining the Effect of Flipped Instruction on Students’ Learning Approaches Using Interactive Lecture Videos in a Mathematics Course in a STEM Learning Context“, Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, Vol. 31, No. 4, 41-68.

Ting, F.S.T., Lam, W.H.C., Shroff, R. (2019) “Active Learning via Problem Based Collaborative Games in a Large First Year Mathematics course in Hong Kong", Education Sciences, 9(172), 1-22.

Ng, O.L., Ting, F.S.T., Lam, W.H.C., Liu, M., (2019) “Active Learning in Undergraduate Mathematics Tutorials Via Cooperative Problem-Based Learning and Peer Assessment with Interactive Online Whiteboards. Asia-Pacific Edu Res 29, 285–294.

Shroff, R., Ting, F.S.T., Lam, W.H.C. (2019) “Development and Validation of an Instrument to Measure Students Perceptions of Technology-Enabled Active Learning", Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 35(4), 109-127.

Ting, F.S.T., Shroff, R. H., Lam, W. H., Wong, L. (2019). “YoTeach! A Backchannel Chat App with Machine Learning for Symbol and Math Handwriting Recognition for use in STEM and non-STEM Subjects". In Dan Remenyi (Eds.), The 5th e-Learning Excellence Awards: An Anthology of Case Histories 2019. Reading, UK: Academic Conferences & Publishing International.

Chan, L. K., Shroff, R., Yang, J., & Cecot, T. (2019). Promoting active learning in the gross anatomy laboratory. In L. K. Chan & W. Pawlina (Eds.), Teaching Anatomy – A Practical Guide (2 ed.). Switzerland: Springer.

Shroff, R.H., Ting, F.S.T., Lam, W.H., “Examining Students’ Perceived Satisfaction on Their Behavioral Intention to Use, specifically in the Context of a Mobile Learning Backchannel Chat Application“, submitted in September 2021.

Ting, F.S.T., Shroff, R.H., Lam, W.H.C., Garcia, R.C.C. “Conceptualization, Measurement and Preliminary Validation of Students’ Collaborative Problem-based Learning and Peer Assessment Strategies Using Interactive Whiteboards”, submitted in May 2021.

“Innovative PALMS drawing pedagogies and apps to increase active learning in Mathematics and Science”, Excellent Teachers on Teaching Excellence Symposium, Jan. ‘22

“The benefits of drawing and writing on students’ performance in STEM related subjects”, ICLT, Dec. 8-10, EduHK (Paper ID 168) Dec. ‘21

“Developing Active Learning Pedagogies and Mobile Apps in High school Mathematics Education”, shortlisted project in the “K12” Category at the Reimagine Education Conference. Dec. ‘21

“Measuring intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in a digital game-based learning context”, eLFA 2021, 30 Nov-1 Dec 2021

“Collaborative Problem-Based Learning and Peer Assessment (Co-PBLa-PA) – a Robust Novel Active Pedagogy for F2F, Hybrid and Online Modes”, CUHK Learning and Teaching Expo, July 29, 2021

“Use of Learning Analytics to give Evidence of Positive Effects of Active learning on student learning outcomes”, CoP on Learning Analytics, EDC PolyU. Apr. ’21.

“Cross-Faculty Webinar on Teaching Excellence”, Virtual PolyU CBS Series on Excellence of L&T. Mar. ’21.

“Increasing Active Learning in English@Work MOOC via Online Peer Engagement”, HKCPD Hub. Jan. ’21.

“Flipped Learning in Age of COVID-19”, Virtual Panel Discussion, CUHK. Dec. ’20.

“PALMS Project for STEM Tertiary Education”, Virtual Reimagine Education Conference, USA. Dec. ’20.

“Technology-Enhanced Active Learning: Applying a Novel Pedagogical Approach to STEM”, ICLT Conference, EduHK. Dec. ’20.

“New Paradigms in Learning”, World Education Congress Presents Global EduTech Webinar. Oct. ’20.

“YoTeach! Give students voices in f2f and online teaching – in and out of class!”, Lingnan University Learning and Teaching Center Workshop. Sept. ’20.

Ting, F. (2020) “New Edtechs: Reshaping Interactive Teaching”, IFE PolyU Zoom Online Webinar, PolyU. 20 September

Ting, F., Garcia, R., Bo, C.J. (2020) “Exploring some e-tools for making online learning fun and engaging! ”, NIS Zoom Webinar, PolyU. 20 September

Ting, F. (2020) “Math Learning Support Center Training for Tutorial on Active Learning Using Blackboard Ultra Collaborate and Other Tools”, AMA PolyU. 20 September

Ting, F. (2020) “Apps fo Increasing Interactive Online Learning”, EDC Online Webinar, PolyU. 20 August

Ting, F. (2020) “Instructional Design in a Virtual Classroom”, K-12 Conference, EduTech Asia Virtual Conference, 20 June

Ting, F. (2020) “Scaling your Teaching: Lessons Learned in QS Reimagine Education Awards 2019”, The Hong Kong University Webinar, 20 May

Ting, F. (2020) “What Matters in EdTech Asia”, The EdTech Podcast, 20 April

Ting, F. (2020) “Apps for Interactive Online Learning”, EDC Online Webinar, PolyU. 20 March

Ting, F., Shroff, R., Lam, W.H.C., Wong, L., LU, J.Y., (2019) YoTeach! and the PALMS Project; Reimagine Education Conference and Awards, London. 19 December

Ting, F. (2019) “YoTeach! Empower Students with Active Voices!” 18th European Conf. on e-Learning Copenhagen,19 November

Ting, F. (2019) Moderator for Roundtable Discussion on “Technology Enhanced Active Learning in STEM Education”, EduTech Asia Conference, Singapore, 19 November

Ting, F. (2019) “Engaging Students with Technology” Workshop at the Taylor Institute for T& L, U of Calgary, 19 August

Ting, F. (2019). Developing active learning pedagogies and mobile applications in University STEM education. Poster Exhibit. Teaching and Learning Symposium 2019, 21 August, 2019, Hong Kong Baptist University.

Dr Bob He, 高校教育信息化的发展; 宁夏师范学院“互联网+教育”赴港培训班, 9 August 2019, PolyU

Dr Bob He, 互联网+条件下的课堂教学创新实践; 宁夏师范学院“互联网+教育”赴港培训班, 7 August 2019, PolyU

Dr. Tang, Florence (2019), The New Impact of Anatomy Teaching: Integration of Web-based Augmented Reality and 3D Printing Technology. 2019 Conference for Education in Medical Simulation, 3 Aug, 2019, Center for Education in Medical Simulation, Taipei Me

Dr Bob He, 互联网+条件下的课堂教学创新实践; 北京理工大学学生管理事务赴港培训班, 12 July 2019, PolyU

Dr. Leung Fu CHEUNG (2019), Autograder WeBWork & Beyond – “Smart” Grading and Data Analytics. Symposium on Emerging Innovations and Evaluation of Technology Enhanced Active Learning Pedagogies in Tertiary Education, 10 July, 2019, PolyU

Dr. Tang, Florence (2019), The Augmented Reality and 3D Printing Technologies – Creation Of Active Learning Environment In Health Education. Symposium on Emerging Innovations and Evaluation of Technology Enhanced Active Learning Pedagogies in Tertiary Education, 10 July, 2019, PolyU

T.-K. Lam, K.-S. Ho, 2019, Symposium on Emerging Innovations and Evaluation of Technology Enhanced Active Learning Pedagogies in Tertiary Education, HKSAR. 10 July, 2019, PolyU

T.-K. Lam, P.-Y. Ng, K.-S. Ho, 2019,eLearning Forum Asia (eLFA), May 29-31, 2019, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand.

Shroff, R. H., Ting, F., & Lam, C (2019). Development and validation of an instrument to measure students’ perceptions of their active learning strategies within an active learning context.eLearning Forum Asia (eLFA), May 29-31, 2019, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand.

Ting, F., Wong, L., Shroff, R. H., & Lam, C (2019). Increasing active learning in MOOCs via peer online engagement. eLearning Forum Asia (eLFA), May 29-31, 2019, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand.

Lam, W. H., Ting, F., & Shroff, R. H. (2019). Implementing higher-order thinking skills in an undergraduate mathematics course with the help of technology. eLearning Forum Asia (eLFA), May 29-31, 2019, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand.

K.-S. Ho, 2019, Conference Day of the Learning and Teaching @EdUHK, HKSAR. May 24, 2019, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

Ting, F. (2019). Using web-based backchannels to increase efficacy of the basic question and answer active pedagogy in an Asian tertiary institution. Learning & Teaching @EdUHK Festival, May 24, 2019, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

Ting, F. (2019). Gamified collaborative problem-based learning with peer assessment. Lilly-Asia: Lilly Conference, May 16-18, 2019, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong.

Yang, J., Chan, L. K., Fok, W., Ting, F., & Shroff, R. H. (2019). Application of dissection peer-support system in pre-clinical gross anatomy education. Annual Meeting of American Association of Anatomists, 6-9 April, 2019, Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, Florida, USA.

Dr. Tang, Florence (2019). A Novel Application of Augmented Reality Technology in Anatomy Teaching. 16th Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2019, 9 -13 January, 2019, Singapore with the theme “Education for Health – Trends, Issues, Priorities, Strategies (TIPS)".

Ting, F., Shroff, R. H., Wong, L., Ezeamuzie, N., Lam, W. H., & Lu, Y. (2018). Student Active Learning in Large STEM Related Classes through Writing Equations and Drawing Diagrams using YoTeach! and Badaboom! Poster Exhibit. Learning and Teaching Innovation Expo,07 December, 2018, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

Shroff, R. H., & Ting, F., & Lam, W. H. (2018). Development and validation of an instrument to measure students’ perceptions of technology–enabled active learning. Poster Exhibit. Learning and Teaching Innovation Expo, 07 December, 2018, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

Ting, F. (2018). Increasing the Effectiveness of Some Active Teaching Strategies in STEM Education by Adding Drawing Functionality to their Supporting Apps. Learning & Teaching Expo 2018 – eLearning Forum Asia (eLFA) Track, 14 December, 2018, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong

Ting, F., & Shroff, R. (2018). Developing Active Learning Pedagogies and Mobile Applications in University STEM Education (PALMS Project – Pedagogic and Active Learning Mobile Solutions). Reimagine Education Conference and Awards, 29–30 November, 2018, San Francisco, USA.

Dr. Tang, Florence (2018), The Modernization of Anatomy Teaching: The Integration of Web-based Augmented Reality (WebAR) and Three Dimensional (3D) Printing Technology. The Annual Conference held by An International Association for Medical Education (AMEE) 24 – 28, August, 2018, Congress Centre, Basel, Switzerland

J Yang, LK Chan, WWT Fok, FST Ting and RH Shroff. (2018) DPSS System application in Gross Anatomy Teaching, 34th Annual Congress of the Chinese Society for Anatomical Sciences and 1st Summer Symposium for the Young Anatomist Across the Strait, 2-4 August, 2018, Hong Kong and Macau. Hohhot, China.

T.-K. Lam, W.-Y. Lee, N.-W. Fong, K.-S. Ho, A. W.-M. Lee, 2018, Mini Symposium on Technology Enhanced Active Learning in Tertiary STEM Education, HKSAR. 27 June, 2018

Shroff, R. H., Ting, F., & Csete, J. (2018). The Process for Developing an Instrument for Education Research: An Example of the Technology–Enabled Active Learning Inventory (TEAL). The International Consortium for Educational Development Conference (ICED), 05–08 June, 2018, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

Ting, F. (2018) Active Learning Pedagogies and Mobile Applications in University STEM Education. Learning and Teaching Festival @EdUHK, 25 May, 2018, Hong Kong Education University, Hong Kong.

Shroff, R. H., Ting, F., Brown, I., & Lam, W.H. (2018). Development and Validation of an Instrument to Measure Students’ Perceptions of Technology–Enabled Active Learning. eLearning Forum Asia (eLFA), 23–25 May, 2018, Taipei, Taiwan.

Ting, C., & Lam, W.H. (2018). Active Learning in an undergraduate Calculus class using interactive online whiteboards. East Asia Regional Conferences on Mathematics Education (EARCOME8), 7–11 May, 2018, Taipei, Taiwan.

E. H.-C. Chow, C. Keyes, K.-S. Ho, A. W.-M. Lee, W.-Y. Lee, N.-W. Fong, 2018, The Mobile Learning 2018 International Conference, Lisbon, Portugal.14–16 April, 2018.

Dr. Leung Fu CHEUNG (2018),Language, Mathematics and Computing, presentation at CoP event in “e-Assessment and Grading” 3 April, 2018, PolyU