15 July 2021 (Thursday)
2:00 pm to 4:30 pm
Online Zoom in Cantonese
1. 香港理工大學 暫任副校長(研究及創新)及 協理副校長(本科生課程)石丹理教授 致歡迎辭
2. 介紹QEF計劃和示範三種主動學習教學方法及相關的創新流動應用程式(網上互動白板、YoTeach!及 Badaboom)
3. 參與學校教師分享相關經驗 : 佛教黃鳯翎中學、宣道中學、循道中學、元朗商會中學 (按英文字母排序)
4. 教師和校長就「在新冠肺炎下推行主動學習教學法的經驗、機遇與挑戰」進行小組討論
Programme Details
- Welcoming speech by Professor Daniel T. L. SHEK, Interim Vice President (Research and Innovation) and Associate Vice President (Undergraduate Programme), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University;
- Introduction to the QEF project and demonstration of three active teaching methods supported by respective innovative learning tools (Interactive online whiteboards, YoTeach! and Badaboom);
- Experience sharing by teachers in the QEF project from Buddhist Wong Fung Ling College, Christian Alliance College, Methodist College and Yuen Long Merchants Association Secondary School (in alphabetical order);
- Panel discussion by teachers and principals on “Challenges, Opportunities and Lessons Learned in Implementing Active Learning Pedagogies during the COVID-19 Pandemic