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If, like me, you were completely devastated when the backchannel tool TodaysMeet shut down last year, you’ll be happy to know that you can have almost the same experience on YoTeach! Just set up a free room, give your students the URL, and everyone can come on in and chat just like they did on TodaysMeet. What’s even better is that you can password protect your room, participants can add pictures and drawings in the chat, and rooms don’t appear to ever expire.
If you have been looking for an alternative to TodaysMeet and haven’t found one you like, give Yo Teach! a try. The option to have students draw on a whiteboard and insert those drawings into a chat is simply fantastic. In a math class you could have students show their work or highlight a portion of a problem on which they need help. You can also insert a drawing to aid an explanation.
YoTeachApp is a great backchannel site to utilize with students and staff. It offers many benefits, including:
- It’s free.
- It’s easy to set up.
- Others can quickly join with a QR code or link.
- It provides a drawing feature with an auto draw feature.
- It features upload functionality.
- It includes an admin feature with the ability to mute students, delete chats, and more.
Teachers lamenting the shutdown of TodaysMeet will want to check out YO Teach! as an alternative. Whether you’re looking for conversation starters, exit tickets, or formative assessment opportunities, this tool has you covered. Ask kids to create and post an original haiku, and have the class vote for their favorites. Let kids teach each other facts they’ve learned about historical figures, scientific discoveries, technological revolutions, or different cultural traditions. Show a film related to your content, and let kids discuss as they watch it, perhaps sparking a lively debate about a real or fictional character’s motivations. Take a poll to see which real or virtual field trip interests kids the most (but be aware that students can vote for all available options).