Student Testimonials on YoTeach!
- PALMS PolyU Team
Yoteach help improve my engagement in class

Should use Yoteach more

yoteach allowed me to ask more questions

students respond more with YoTeach!

yo-teach activity promoted students to learn actively

yoteach gave us more opportunities to ask questions

the chatroom in class helped me to actively participate in the learning process

Collaborative Problem-Based Learning and Peer Assessment (Co-PBLa-PA) supported by Online Whiteboards
- Dr. Fridolin TING (PolyU)
WordCloud of Positive Features of Co-PBLa-PA with Online Whiteboards

Active Learning in Gross Human Anatomy Lab and Dissection Peer Support System (DPSS)
- Dr. Jian YANG and Dr. L.K. Chan (HKU)
DPSS allows better interaction with students, makes things interesting

DPSS is an interesting mode of teaching

DPSS is very engaging

Student Testimonials on the ChemEye App
- Dr. Gray HO, Prof. Albert LEE (BU)
It is the first time for me to use smartphone to do experiment.

It is convenient to use the ChemEye app for measurement.

The use of ChemEye app is easy to follow and is quite accurate.

It is interesting and useful to use the ChemEye app to perform experiment.

It is amazing that a smartphone with the ChemEye app can tell ppm of the solution just by taking a picture of it.

Using ChemEye for the experiment is fun.

It is out of my expectation that I can’t believe a simple gadget like your smartphone can act as a micro-colorimeter, which is useful and comes in handy for outdoor experiments.

The use of ChemEye app is easy to follow and is quite accurate.

Student Comments on the VeT (Virtual e-Learning Tool)“Virtual Human Organs"
-Dr. Florence Tang (CUHK)
Sometimes it is hard to study anatomy because things I study are mostly invisible. I would not understand anatomy fully until I get an idea of anatomy realistically. I think Vet provides a better understanding in terms of reality. It is much better in learning than learning anatomy just by textbook-like descriptions. The comments provides by Vet are also useful but for university level studies. I think there should be more detailed description. Overall, Vet is easy to use & helpful to provide a basis understanding of kidney location, structure & microscopic structures.

An innovative & useful tool for anatomy courses. Definitely think that it should be widely applied to different anatomical structures & organs. I like using it & I look forward to revising with this tool in the future.

This application can be extremely useful for anyone studying renal anatomy & physiology. The benefits are + it's interactive: video-demonstration, audio explanation, responds to your movement & rotations + it's colourful & entertaining. It makes the process of learning more exciting. + it's full of information. Would be better to include labels that would rotate with the kidney & show each kidney structure.